Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wonderful Week

What A Wonderful Week


Happy Birthday Tanya!
It was so great to celebrate Tanya's birthday with her-just the 3 of us. I love this picture of her and Caleb.
It's kind of hard to know what to get someone that has given you THE gift that has fulfilled your dreams-motherhood.
But, Tanya, we hope that you know how much we treasure you-

the wonderful young woman that you are.



Caleb has a new cousin (the first of 3 that is due in the next couple of months).
Addison June was born on 11 March
(I'm not sure why this picture posted side-ways.
I tried many different things to change it, but I guess you will just have to turn your head to see it properly.)


Caleb is now 8 months old!

Unfortunately he no longer fits in the outfit that we brought him home from the hospital in
(I know-go figure.)
But it was a fun way to see how much he is growing.
Well after trying different outfits, Brian suggested we put the original outfit on his frog.

These are just some fun picts of Caleb.
I love this one!If you look closely, you can see his hair sticking up from his head-cute!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Here are some cute picts of Caleb from the last month.
February 16th Caleb turned 7 months old.
Perhaps you noticed 2 things from the above picture.
#1 Caleb has mastered sitting up.
(The pillows are behind him because occasionally he thrusts himself backwards.
Although our floors are carpeted they are not soft,
so in order to prevent brain damage and tears,
I try to make sure something soft is behind him. )
#2 I doubt next month I'll be able to fit him in this outfit again.
It is really getting too small.
He definitely doesn't fit in 0-3 month outfits anymore.
(It's not that I don't have other outfits for him to wear that actually fit and are warm,
it's just become a way for me to show how much he is growing on his monthly birthdays.)
Caleb just hanging out doing one of his favorite things-
chewing on anything he can get his hands on!

The title of this picture could be:
I love eating!
I love making a mess!

I love this pic of Caleb-
it shows off his cute smile,
his gorgeous dimple,
his out of control hair,
pretty much what a handsome and adorable little guy he is!